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Pli-Dek - Sidebar - Only the Best - June
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Caught Doing Good

The Single Ply Roofing Industry gives back

Single Ply Roofing Industry Association gives back

By Heidi J. Ellsworth. Incorporating community service into their winter meeting, the Single Ply Roofing Industry Association continues to find ways to make a difference. At the 2025 Winter Meeting, the Single Ply Roofing Industry (SPRI) demonstrated its commitment to giving back in a meaningful way by helping families in need. Sponsored ...

CDG - New York family receives new roof

Una familia de Nueva York recibe un nuevo techo, aliviando el estrés durante la batalla de cáncer de su hija

Por Jessica Bravo. Un reemplazo de techo muy necesario trae alivio a la familia Fietkiewicz en medio de su lucha para hacer frente a las facturas médicas y los desafíos diarios mientras su hija recibe atención crítica. Durante más de un año, la familia Fietkiewicz ha estado enfrentando el aumento ...

Donate to One Family, One Fight for Wildfire Relief

Donate to One Family, One Fight for Wildfire Relief

By Heidi J. Ellsworth. SRS Raise the Roof Foundation raising and matching donations for California wildfire relief. As the new year begins, Southern California faces a devastating crisis. Wildfires have ravaged the Los Angeles area, destroying thousands of homes and entire neighborhoods. The toll on residents and first responders has been overwhelming, ...

Guardian Roofing - Through a time of growth, Guardian demonstrates their commitment to the homeowners and communities they protect

Through a time of growth, Guardian demonstrates their commitment to the homeowners and communities they protect

Throughout the Pacific Northwest, Guardian Roofing uses their skills and resources to provide security and peace of mind for families and organizations in need. Guardian Roofing, Gutters & Insulation, the trusted name in roofing and home services throughout the Pacific Northwest spent 2024 giving back to the community through an expanded ...

CDG Mash up - Los techadores se elevan para la ocasión

Los techadores se elevan para la ocasión

Por Hannah Ford. Los contratistas están construyendo comunidades más fuertes al ayudar a los demás. No hay mejor época del año para devolver algo a la comunidad que en las fiestas. Para muchos, esto significa hacer voluntariado o donar a organizaciones benéficas locales. Estos contratistas han hecho ambas cosas, ayudando directamente a ...

5 heartwarming stories from roofs around the country

5 historias conmovedoras de techos alrededor del país

By Emma Peterson. ¡Descubre estas historias de empresas locales de techado haciendo el bien en sus comunidades! Los ciclos de noticias pueden a menudo sentirse como una avalancha abrumadora de malas noticias y situaciones aterradoras, por eso nos gusta tomarnos un respiro de vez en cuando para celebrar lo bueno que está ...

CDG - Compañía de techos extiende una mano a los necesitados

Compañía de techos extiende una mano a los necesitados

Por Jesse Sanchez. Una comunidad de techadores demuestra el poder de la compasión, brindando ayuda a las víctimas del huracán Helene en su momento de necesidad. La respuesta de una comunidad ante un desastre a menudo revela su corazón. Después de que el huracán Helene devastara partes del sur de EE. UU., ...

CDG - Compañía de techos extiende una mano a los necesitados

Roofing company lends a hand to those in need

Por Jesse Sanchez. A roofing community proves the power of compassion, delivering aid to Hurricane Helene victims in their time of need. A community’s response to disaster often reveals its heart. After Hurricane Helene devastated parts of the southern U.S., leaving countless residents in crisis, a roofing company out of Buffalo, New ...

5 heartwarming stories from roofs around the country

5 heartwarming stories from roofs around the country

By Emma Peterson. Check out these stories of local roofing companies doing good in their communities! News cycles can often feel like an overwhelming barrage of bad news and scary situations, which is why we like to take a break from time to time to celebrate the good that is happening all ...

CDG - Roofers rise to the occasion

Roofers rise to the occasion

By Hannah Ford. Contractors are building stronger communities by helping others. There’s no better time of year to give back to the community than around the holidays. For many, this means volunteering or donating to local charities. These contractors have done both by directly giving back to the people who need roofing ...

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