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Manufacturer-made versus shop-fabricated edge metal

Mule-Hide Manufacturer-made versus shop-fabricated edge metal
August 10, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

By Emma Peterson. 

Learn how to save yourself time and money when getting edge metal for your next project.  

Edge metal is one of the key components of any low slope roofing design. This is a system that covers and secures the membrane to the perimeter of the building and protects the roof from catastrophic events such as blow-offs. In this RLW webinar, Heidi J. Ellsworth sits down with Nick Musel and Hank Bonney from Mule-Hide to talk about this key part of the system.  

Having an edge metal system that passes multiple standards and tests is key. Hank explained, “Having a tested edge metal system means you don't have to worry about it blowing off and allowing that water to infiltrate that roof system because it met certain criteria when tested.” These standards are set by multiple organizations in the industry that look at design pressures and wind uplift. Nick elaborated, “The most familiar we're used to dealing with is ANSI/SPRI ES-1 testing for edge metals in low-slope roofing. You go back and you look at this ANSI/SPRI was looking at wind pressures and design pressures all the way back in the mid-90s.” In addition to this organization, there are a variety of others that make standards and tests, such as the American Society for Civil Engineers, Factory Mutual and FM Roof Global.  

But the need for these products to be tested still leaves another question: Is manufacturer-made best? Or is shop-fabricated the way to go? Hank recommends going the manufacturer route. He explained, “While there are some shops that have been tested to meet ANSI/SPRI, if they still make it in their shop and the manufacturer doesn't supply that metal, Mule-Hide can’t include that in our warranty.”  

Beyond the reassurance for warranty purpose, manufacturers like Mule-Hide often send their edge metal out with the right fasteners, which lowers the time and labor needed on the job site. Nick added, “When we send it out, it's already pre-measured. For most of our metals, we actually provide it in 12-foot-wide lengths with pre-punched out fastener holes so it takes the guesswork out of how to install this metal. It saves in labor too. So instead of having to bend and fabricate and work around that, we're sending it directly out to the crews. The crews can install it right in the field.” 

Read the transcript, Listen to the recording or Watch the webinar to learn more about edge metal systems and getting the right product for your project.  

Learn more about Mule-Hide Products in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.mulehide.com.

About Emma

Emma Peterson is a writer at The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. Raised in the dreary and fantastical Pacific Northwest, she graduated in 2024 from Pacific University in Oregon with a degree in creative writing and minors in graphic design and Chinese language. Between overthinking everything a little bit, including this bio, she enjoys watching movies with friends, attending concerts and trying to cook new recipes.

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