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Leaping at New Opportunities

Leap JobProgress
May 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

By Yvette Cruz. 

Announcing their merger at the International Roofing Expo (IRE) 2023, Leap and JobProgress are now on their way to creating a bigger, better company with customers and contractors in mind.  

In this special Read, Listen, Watch (RLW), Heidi J. Ellsworth connects with Chief Product Officer Troy Winskowicz of Leap to discuss the merger between Leap, LLC and JobProgress. Working as a bespoke builder and remodeler, Troy has been able to combine both skills over the last 20 years by building software solutions for clients.  

Almost a decade old, Leap was first founded by Patrick Fingles and Steve Stencil, two roofing contractors. “They saw a need within their own company to improve the sales enablement process — the ability for a sales rep to become effective and really present professionally and effectively in the home,” Troy explains. “So they developed this solution that they used internally for a while and then started getting asked if other roofers could use it and they launched Leap. And we now, we have thousands of users and it's been a great success story.”  

As for JobProgress, their journey started similarly. CEO David Buzzeli, saw a similar need and created a different platform. Instead of sales, however, David’s target was to help contractors organize and manage their business.  

The two separate ideas stemmed from the common goal of helping others. Troy mentions that, “These two solutions had the same intent. We just wanted to help the contractor grow, help them manage their business, and help them perform better.” Being complementary to each other, both companies are able to pull their resources together and provide more for their customers.  

Some asked why bring two would-be competitors under one company. The answer; for the clients. Leap customers would ask for recommendations on customer relationship management software, so it seemed only reasonable to come together and help one another out. Instead of two companies offering two different products, it’s now enfolded into one group.  

But that’s not the only reason why these companies merged. By working together, they can share experiences and ideas that will help advance their technology and create a bigger, better product. As Troy says, “It really makes sense from the people, the technology and where both companies wanted to go.” 

Read, Listen or Watch the full webinar to learn more about the two merging companies and the great things they have in store.

Learn more about Leap in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.leaptodigital.com.

About Yvette

Yvette Cruz is a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. She is also a dedicated background actor for various film projects. Besides work, she spends her time with her family, reading and cooking. 

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