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RCSI - Vehicle Policies


Take a Proactive Approach When it Comes to Fleet Management

RCS Influencer Brian Pratt says that contractors can reduce insurance costs by implementing a fleet management program. Many roofing professionals continue to be impacted by an increase in automobile insurance costs due to a substantial rise in the frequency and severity of auto claims. Severe losses can expose the assets of ...


When Employees Use their Personal Vehicles as a Tool for the Company, They Need to Be Compensated

RCS Influencer Charles Antis talks about how his company’s policies evolve and always put the employees first.


A Vehicle Policy is a Must for Company-owned Vehicle Operation

RCS Influencer Trent Cotney says that without a vehicle policy, a contractor can be held liable if they allow a bad driver on the road. Contractors have many options when it comes to establishing vehicle policies for their business. They may choose to allow employees to take vehicles home or they ...


Rural Contractor Offers Jobsite Transportation

RCS Influencer Mike Hicks says that while they don’t have a formal vehicle policy, they do have procedures in place for jobsite transportation. I don't know that we have a vehicle policy, but I can share what may be of interest to others. First, we supply jobsite transportation for the ...


Having Clearly Defined Vehicle Policies and Procedures is Necessary for Keeping Employees and Customers Safe

RCS Influencer Mark Holencik says his company puts safety first and vehicle maintenance second in their vehicle policies. One of the first policies I started was if there are two employees in the vehicle, one gets out when you back up. From the time you load something on the truck and ...


Clearly Stating Policies Ensures that Employees Understand the Terms of Use for Company Vehicles.

RCS Influencer Alison LaValley provides a glimpse into some of the vehicle policies from contractors across the U.S. A company policy for company vehicle use must be clearly stated so that employees and supervisors both understand the terms by which these vehicles may be used. And thanks to a few NRCA member ...

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APOC - CCS Sidebar - ProProgram - June