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RCSI - Selling at a Higher Price


10 Tips on How to Sell at Higher Prices

RCS Influencer Alison LaValley shares great tips from NRCA contactor members on how they sell at higher prices. Often, the impediment to selling at higher prices is the perception of value. The question is … what do YOU do to justify the higher price that your customers perceive as something worth ...


Selling at a Higher Price Means Thinking in a New Direction

RCS Influencer Mark Holencik says that to sell at a higher price than your competitors, you have to know your competition and it’s not who you think it is. First, you have to find out who your competition really is and most likely it’s your own mind. Ten percent of people will ...


Some People Will Always Buy on Price

RCS Influencer Brian Pratt says it’s important to weed out the price-driven consumers and focus on those who are driven by value. I have learned over the years that there are different types of buying personalities. One of these buying styles is the price-driven consumer. Some people will always go with ...


Empower Your People! Brand Ambassadors Help You Get Your Price.

RCS Influencer Heidi Ellsworth says that engaged and passionate employees help spread the word about a company’s products and services, creating value and demand for a better price. Many companies are seeing the importance of encouraging professional involvement as a marketing benefit. They understand that the commitment to keeping employees involved ...


Selling at a Higher Price Starts Inside Your Company

RCS Influencer Michael Hicks says that you can’t expect to get more money if you can't offer legitimate value for that money. In the mid-nineties I was faced with the reality that we were not the company I wanted to be, and needed to decide if we were going to make ...


Sell at a Higher Price by Building Perceived Value

RCS Influencer Martin Stout says that price is the last component of a good sale and focusing on price is the last thing a good contractor should do. Often, we think if we can get our prices up we can make more money, however focusing on efficiency will move the bottom ...


How Can You Sell at a Higher Price than your Competition?

RCS Influencer Greg Hayne says that if you are not going to be the lowest bidder, you need to find a way to bring other value to your customer to sell at a higher price. Disclaimer: These comments are applicable to commercial not residential contractors. I’ve been a roofing consultant for approaching ...

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APOC - CCS Sidebar - ProProgram - June
Metal-Era / Hickman - Sidebar Ad - Product Launch
VaproShield - Sidebar - Integrity - Oct
Elevate - Sidebar Ad - Nobody covers you better
NRCA - Side Bar - Empower All 2024
Kool Seal - Sidebar - Sales Rep - May 24