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Heidi and Vickie Show- Survey Says... - PODCAST TRANSCRIPTION

Heidi and Vickie Show Survey Says...
June 25, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

Editor's note: The following is the transcript of The Heidi and Vickie Show. You can read the transcript below or listen to the podcast here. 

Heidi Ellsworth: Good morning. This is the Heidi and Vickie Show at RoofersCoffeeShop. And this is Heidi and.

Vickie Sharples: I'm Vickie.

Heidi Ellsworth: And we're here today to share some thoughts maybe a little wisdom and a lot of fun. And Vickie, I know you have something really cool to talk about today. What are you thinking about?

Vickie Sharples: Well see, we do a survey every year, or we try and do every year, maybe every 18 months, called the Trend Survey in which we ask some questions, just basic stuff of who you are and what you like and how you get your information, what your needs are. And so we asked people to fill it out. And what I thought would be interesting today is unless you go back on the site way later and download what the results were. You don't know what everybody else says, you'd have your opinion but wouldn't it be nice if you knew what the industry says as a whole based on the questions that we've asked? So I thought it'd be fun to kind of share that. We have one ongoing now. So if you listen to this, and we're recording this, today is June 20th 2020. And so we still have this survey open. If you wanted to listen to it in a close proximity, we'll probably leave it open for another month. Well, actually, we leave it open all year, but we're going to pull all of the results and publish them in about a month. So you still have time if you want to add your opinions to this. And it's pretty simple. The average amount of time that people spend on is seven minutes so it doesn't take a lot of time and we always offer a nice gift. And so I thought, I was thinking about it. And I thought it'd be fun to share that you guys might really like to know. And then it's really fun to hear Heidi and I's opinions because we have an opinion on everything.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yes, we do.

Vickie Sharples: So, this is most of the questions we are asking right now. So I'm going to start, is it too soon to start?

Heidi Ellsworth: No, let's do it. I love it. Let's hop into it.

Vickie Sharples: Okay, the first question we asked are, what do you see as your greatest training needs? So, would you like me, Heidi to... 50% of the people responded to new hire training. So that's our greatest training need, continuing education was 35%, technology on the roof, because that's one of your big things was 20%. So a training on how to use technology on the roof. That was interesting, though, I know that you are a huge proponent of that being one of the founders of RT 3, you're really trying to bring Roofers ahead of the curve or contractors in so everybody starts using this stuff that actually helps them. We're not replacing people, we're making everybody more efficient.

Heidi Ellsworth: And attracting the younger generation because they like technology. And we want them to look at the rooftop as a place that they can use technology that they can be on the cutting edge. So it's a nice, I think recruitment too.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, so new hire training, continuing education. I'd be curious to see if, it's what their training needs are, but are they getting those needs fulfilled? Because we know since we're helping get the word out about all of the training and the continuing education, everybody, we put resources and actual information on our site. Every major manufacturer has training. The associations offer great results. Do you think we have enough training out there for people if they want it?

Heidi Ellsworth: I think the whole, what we keep hearing and that's why it doesn't surprise me that new hire training was right at the top and the fact that it is what they need to teach this younger generation and roofing isn't being taught in vocational schools. It's not really even being taught as... There's great apprenticeships with the unions, and one of our favorite companies Tremco does a great on apprenticeship. But where can contractors, if they don't have a training program in their own company, where are they getting it, Vickie? I think that's why it's such a need on here.

Vickie Sharples: We'll get into that a couple questions later about what the greatest names [inaudible 00:05:02]. But two other things that were on the list, because I'm going to do like the top five. Software is a seven and a half percent and so I would topped, that would have been higher that when you get software, but maybe it's pretty user friendly now, may be that we also went into technology, and then new products was 13%. So with training in new products sets kind of an automatic. You know what I mean, when you get into [crosstalk 00:05:37] you got to pick.

Heidi Ellsworth: Right now, we're seeing a lot of new products kind of on the technology side, we're not seeing a lot of new products coming out, a number of years ago we had TPO and we had a lot of different new systems hitting the marketplace, but right now, the main hot system is coatings. And there's not a whole lot of training with the new product. So it's kind of interesting. I think technology has become kind of that new product of learning how to use the different application methods, drones, all that kind of stuff.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. Well, the next question was, what do you see as your greatest technology leads? Or needs leads? What do you see as your greatest technology needs? So the number one would have been and not by much is project management. So, that was like a 30%. So, that's interesting. And then number two is estimating at 27%. Then CRM, wait the next one is drones. See drone is such a cool thing. I mean, my big thing. My big focus passion is looking at roofs all day. I mean, that's what I do. And so the drone has put a whole new level of interest. You could really see the buildings, you could see your guys working on the building as a whole. I mean, there's so many cool things about drones, but I know with that comes rules.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, and federal guidelines, government rules too. I know, we have OSHA on everything. So contractors are used to dealing with those kind of federal, but now you're into the aviation and laws and when you can fly them and how high and you have to be licensed as a pilot. There's a lot that goes into that. And some of the contractors have done great with it, but it's still very early.

Vickie Sharples: I know. This is an aside, you know how I can go off on a thing, somebody shared a picture the other day of a drone. So this guy was working on the rope and the homeowner had a drone and took home a beer on the roof with the drone. And he took the [inaudible 00:08:04] like flying through the air. He said he had to be there until he got off for work. But isn't that funny, but back to business. So drones is almost 25% and then came CRMs, you'll see to me, I know project management is super important, but I am a list girl. I love lists. So CRM to me would be my life, just keeping track of clients. And so I'm sure that most CRMs tie into project management, I would think.

Heidi Ellsworth: That's really what's happening is now we're getting these great software out there or in the cloud systems that has the CRM project management estimating, they're all kind of flowing together. But I do think CRMs have been around a lot longer. So people understand them a little bit better. And project management now they're trying to... Vickie talked about on the side, I think when I was with EagleView, one of the things that Chris Barrow, the CEO there said was that the next big change in technology is going to be taking every day tasks and changing them into automation. And so that's kind of project management, because they had all the boards up there with all the stickies and all the jobs and stuff. Now that's all in technology and in the cloud and in these project management systems, so they're really trying to take an old way and change it and change processes. So I think that's why probably this is so high in here because that's what a lot of people are doing.

Vickie Sharples: Question three. What do you see as your greatest marketing needs? I thought that was interesting because you and I our last, I think our last podcast together was who knew we were so smart about marketing is what I mean. We know we were so smart, at least we think we are. So what do you say is your greatest marketing needs? The number one thing with 29% was website. So websites are ongoing challenges to me well, because that's our main purpose.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah unfortunately.

Vickie Sharples: It's always challenging, but for somebody who doesn't know anything about websites, I could see that. So for example, I would like it if everybody put our roofing respect on their website. So if we could get every roofer in the United States to put roofing respect and a link back to our site so they can understand about it. Use it as an emblem that was always a goal of mine, because I think it's so important and I was thinking if we did that is a roofer of your average roofing contractor going to know how to put it on their website? Because frankly, I know a lot about websites. But if I had a personal website, I didn't have a whole IT place department, would I know how to put that logo on my website? So updating with images and stuff, and keeping the information current and making sure it has the right call to action, things that like for the marketing side of how we make it attractive? I was initially thinking of how I maintain it. So what do you think?

Heidi Ellsworth: I think the other problem with websites is they keep changing so fast, because you have contractors who did all this work and they paid a lot of money five, 10 years ago for websites. And now everyone's like, "Oh, that's so old. And it needs to be a WordPress, it needs to have all this fancy graphics and how it looks." So I think that's really hard for contractors to kind of find the right people to work on their websites and not make it so expensive when it's changing so fast and I think we talked to contractors every day who exactly what you're talking about we say put roofing respect on your site, go read our blogs, share those go look at the content because content's number two on here that of the greatest need that with blogs and articles and all those kind of things. And it is kind of fun to think that we're right there for them with a roofing contractor when we talk about question number three, a roofing contractor can come onto RoofersCoffeeShop, they can find people who are offering websites, and they know that if they're on RoofersCoffeeShop, they know something about roofing, which is the first battle when you hire somebody do stuff. They can get content, they can get blogs, they can get ideas. And they can also get support and help for a number three thing on marketing plans. And then really using the brand of RoofersCoffeeShop with the roofing respect with their homeowners. I think there's a lot of things here that makes me happy because we're helping the contractors with this.

Vickie Sharples: We're giving them resources for it. Since we mentioned about content and blogs. People don't realize so I'm going to give out, this is an invaluable tip. What I'm about to say is worth the whole time you have of listening to this. This tip that I'm going to say is that you already have your own good content. Number one, what are the questions that people ask you when they call in? The Q&A, what are the most common questions you could ask from a homeowner? Bam, take that question. Write about it, address it. Say the number one question is, what do I have to do to prepare, for example, what do I have to do to prepare my house for you guys coming out to put a new roof on? That would be a beautiful blog, you talk about the fact that, cover up your favorite plants, make sure the dogs are safe with the gate, make a perimeter around your house, get rid of all the poses and the tripping hazards. I mean, there is just a beautiful, a ton of stuff that you could write about that. That's not a common theme that you share with people. But it is a beautiful blog, it would be a helpful tip. So things like that. Think about the questions that you're asked and then write about it from your own thing. And it's important to educate people, they'll think you're smart, they're going to think you care. If you give me all that information, I would think you really have your act together. So the content is designed to make you look like experts in your field. And so there's lots of good tips around for content that you really do have and you don't have time to write it. But look, if you're putting content out there from yourself, it's not costing you any money, or you might have somebody proofread it or you might have your college girl or college kid, write it for you. But the point is, that kind of advertising is free to you, it's just your time that you have to spend. So being effective in this is pretty cost effective. Being effective in your marketing, it can be cost effective is what I'm trying to say.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yes, I think so, too. There's so many resources out there right now. And when I saw this greatest needs and this helps just kind of the same thing, Vickie of what you just said, what are your customers asking you? That's exactly what we're doing. We're looking for the greatest need of the contractor so we can help them get better information on that. So I love that.

Vickie Sharples: So that's why this survey helps us. I mean, that's what we've always said, of course, it stands to reason. We can help you better. We don't want to sit back and imagine what you need. You need to tell us. So this is a good one. Top three business issues you face today. Frankly, looking at the results for this. There's only one. It seems like to me there's only one issue and that's employees in labor. Then training comes in their little and insurance. Now back when I was a youngster, a million years ago, the roofing industry, insurance was the biggest deal. Because much like they say sometimes parents work just to pay for the daycare so they could go to work. It used to be roofers just work to pay the insurance company for being able to, because insurance was the biggest thing, but now it's here. But basically, the top... I'm looking at a little word cloud we did of it, hiring, labor, employees, workers finding, training, marketing or marketing came up there. And employees came up twice. And now it says COVID in there. That's interesting that, that would be one of the top three issues. It's very little low. So there's one issue in the roofing industry. That's it. And we're always trying to help with that.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, and labor it's still an issue even after COVID, it's still and we're going to see that here in a minute.

Vickie Sharples: Question number five is you fill your company as a labor shortage and 35% said no. But yes, of course was 65% or well 67 if everyone rounded up right. If so what is helping recruiting employees? So this might be a nice discussion with people to see what other people are doing. So the number one thing is we're word mouth. So mostly word of mouth is the number one thing that help recruit employees.

Heidi Ellsworth: That's a kind of that family and friends. And I think that does make a big difference as you're looking at. It kind of goes into the culture and so when you have your own employees going out and talking to their family and friends to come work to you, you know you're kind of still building that culture up. Word of mouth doesn't surprise me at all.

Vickie Sharples: And then the one that's equal to that is nothing. And so what is [inaudible 00:19:09] recruiting employees nothing has helped. So, that's not that good. And then advertising someone they have good pay, well see the roofing industry as a whole is good pay. It's just getting people attracted to it because hard work, but I just think it's such good work and it can be cleaned depending on what you want to do or dirty work, but there's a lot, it's not dirty like it used to be. Roofs aren't that bad anymore as far as coming home covered with stuff.

Heidi Ellsworth: And you know, the thing I am finding interesting watching out in the industry right now, I've really seen this trend the last year or two is that as an industry, we are starting to talk more about how great we are, it's like people are out there saying, "I love my job in roofing. I love this industry. And right now we're collaborating more to get... The NRC is doing a lot to help on bring more people attention to the industry. And then we're working with National Women in Roofing right now to do a huge recruiting campaign that's going outside the industry. We also do that with our work one ad campaign all the time. So we're starting to, I think before, it was just each contractor almost a little bit on their own, trying to find people and maybe finding some reputation and lack of professionalism. And now that's really changing. You really see it's all coming together on this issue.

Vickie Sharples: So roofing is starting to be sexier.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yes, everybody wants to be in this industry, because it's the coolest.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, it's the coolest.

Heidi Ellsworth: It's the coolest. I mean, we're seeing it and we're seeing people interested in roofing. I mean, our numbers are growing people, we were essential workers during all this. And I think the pride of the roofing industry continues to only grow.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. Once we're reminding everybody that we love them, and you should be proud. I think it really, helps with us too with the roofing respect campaign? So the next question was, where do you get your news and information about the roofing industry? And this was a check all that applies. That says a lot of number. So the percentages, so the people answer, they're answering a number of them, but the number one place is ripping websites with 70%. And so I only have one thing to say, yay.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yay.

Vickie Sharples: [inaudible 00:21:53] website.

Heidi Ellsworth: I know. Well, we know that in May over 22,000 people came to our website at RoofersCoffeeShop, I mean this is where people are going for information and it just is Vickie, you have to feel just like so proud.

Vickie Sharples: Yes, I do. But those people that are coming to our site are contractors, so it's not just like the general public because we've never really encouraged that before. Because we want roofers to have a home. Of course, it's just so exciting for us.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yes.

Vickie Sharples: The second thing at 60% is email sent to you. So you get your news about email sent to you. If that's the case, when we sent you the [inaudible 00:22:45] we can review, open it up. We're not doing that for the hell. We're trying to tell you something. So anyway, if you haven't since you obviously 6% of the people that respond to this. If you haven't yet you should get on the email list, it comes once a week. It's really fun, it just gives you exactly the week, what happened during the week with our website the top stories and stuff so you should really get on our email list at rooferscoffeeshop.com. So anyway email sent you, so that was interesting, social media's at 41%.

Heidi Ellsworth: That's gone down I think, don't you a little bit or is that-

Vickie Sharples: I can't remember it. I have to look. I forget.

Heidi Ellsworth: I know [crosstalk 00:23:34] that too.

Vickie Sharples: I'm sorry. Roofing associations of events, mail and our email is at 58%. Roofing distributors and supply houses is at 58% and then magazine's at 51 or 52 and then reps. So those are the top ones. That manufacturer reps. You get your news and that just means a gossip. I'm just kidding.

Heidi Ellsworth: They do know what's going on. Do you want to know what's going on talk to your [crosstalk 00:24:10].

Vickie Sharples: They go to supply offices but so that, that was my always thinking that supply houses are a little social, like RoofersCoffeeShop, you go to the supply house and you see new products there and so that would be your kind of if you're driving around that's your interaction with the roofing community. I think, this is going to supply house a couple times a week.

Heidi Ellsworth: I think is really interesting here Vickie and it kind of goes back to you've always been ahead of the curve on this and we have overall but I really got to give you the credit for this is that one email a week so people don't get bombarded with a bunch of emails, with just product information and stuff like that, but what we do is we give everybody that opportunity to kind of see what's happening once a week and go to the website and find out more about it. And I think across the board we're going to see that become more and more because we're just so over... There's so much noise on social media, in our email boxes, there's just so much that we just want at least this is how I feel. I want a good place to go and get information and get it on my terms. Listening to the podcasts that are there, reading the articles, doing my research, and because right now I don't know about you, but when I go on social media, it's just like almost overwhelming. And I'm just blocking, blocking, blocking because I don't want to be that overwhelmed. So these numbers don't surprise me that roofing websites are becoming so much more important, because you can do it on your terms.

Vickie Sharples: And you could just look at the stuff you're interested in and not the other [inaudible 00:26:02].

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, not get overwhelmed with it because it's just so much going on.

Vickie Sharples: My [inaudible 00:26:07] for me is a disappointment. But then again, Facebook has vanished because I'm a Facebook person, mostly has managed to block anything probably that I'm interesting and I only see the same stuff and I don't care enough to figure out how to use it. But as far as work wise, I get Of course, I personally like a lot of stuff. So I see work stuff all the time, whatever's on my personal Facebook, but it's just like, I don't want to see anything political. I used to actually post the flower of the day because I wanted to be nice. And you know what I mean, just like it's something pretty but it's a disappointment lately.

Heidi Ellsworth: I do like to pick my sights on social media. So like on Facebook, obviously we think RoofersCoffeeShop. But I also I kind of fall, I'm really careful about who I follow to, because I want to see that stuff. And I think one of the things you've said before, that's really cool too, is, as people trying to kind of control that noise out there. They can come in and be in the forum, which is like, which is our form of social media on the site, and they can also get the information. So this is showing me that this trend is important and that you and I always think these things and we kind of think, "Oh, yeah, this is what's going to happen." And then to have the numbers kind of prove what we're seeing is trending is really cool.

Vickie Sharples: Okay, I always ask this question. Well, I keep saying all these things are so important to me, isn't that funny, but trade associations, of course, have always been important to me. And so we've discussed this a lot in the earlier podcasts a couple weeks ago, so do you belong to a trade association? And I was so excited because the number that said yes was 71%.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, so cool.

Vickie Sharples: Wait but it says if no, why not. Let me look and see a little deeper. That was question seven. Why not? Why do people say they don't want to be? My responses. Okay, let's talk about some of those costs.

Heidi Ellsworth: That's very interesting.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. Been there done that. No, not sure. New to the industry. No reason. Well, some of these guys are just installers they said but still, it's good for everybody. Expense, this guy doesn't have one near him. Nobody ever asked him.

Heidi Ellsworth: That used to be a big reason. Remember, in our first trend reports, [inaudible 00:28:57] no one asked me I always found that really interesting.

Vickie Sharples: Fees. A lot of people just said, I don't know.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah.

Vickie Sharples: Don't know why, I've never been approached this guy, it's cost. And this guy doesn't see the benefit that's just because he really doesn't see it yet.

Heidi Ellsworth: Well, that's one of the things where you constantly try to address and talk about is what these associations are doing out there to like we just talked about recruiting. And what we're doing, I have to tell you, when I'm looking at this word cloud, and I'm seeing National Women in Roofing just as big as all the other associations. That's kind of an exciting thing for me personally, and maybe it's a little bit smaller than NRCA, but still, it's dang close, when you look at something that's feeling a need, and those are the kind of things that have really kind of grown and become a part of this industry. And so NRCA, MRCA, IBAC which used to be RCI, National Women Roofing are all the larger one in the word cloud. So to me, that's super exciting.

Vickie Sharples: I think it's as big, we were looking at it everywhere, I'm trying to figure out how to do it in the numbers, but we would have to do it one by one. But because you could put all that applied, many people belong to a couple of organizations. This guy belongs to NRCA and NRCA, this guy belongs to FRSA and the NRCA and the south or the central Florida so they belong to the national, the state and the regional.

Heidi Ellsworth: Which is what we always recommend, if you can do it, that's the best because all of them serve different purposes.

Vickie Sharples: Florida's, I can't say enough about Florida you know I love those [crosstalk 00:31:02]. Yeah, just because... The reason why I say that is because per contractor they have such a large majority of the licensed contractors in their state that are members. So the rest of us, kind of I feel like California, a little shame on us how many we have against how many belong to a California organization. But I hope saying that out loud didn't make nobody mad at me. So trade associations so important. 71% yay.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yay. And you know what, again, that makes me really super excited. Because look how hard you and I, I mean, that was one of our goals five years ago was to barter and to support every association in the roofing industry. And I bet we're about 70% there and we're still working through and so now these numbers again are showing that real focus and on the focus of the people, the professionalism of the industry because really belonging to an association, a roofing association shows the professionalism of your business. That just is. There's no question about that.

Vickie Sharples: And as far as the cost goes, I think if you just, building value into the sale, I think of somebody said, "How much of the cost of wanted association." If we told them why they would want to join the association, how it helps them, that would be fine. If I said... For example, I don't know how much it does cost. But so how much does it cost to join your association, and you go, "It's $1,000." "That's too much for me." No, you need to tell them we've got training resources that will be free to you. Well, number one that'll take care of the thousand bucks right there. We have a co-op insurance or whatever the association has that they're offering them, then all of a sudden, it's cheap. So I implore anybody to look at it differently build the value into the sale first. It sounds high on one end and the other end it's extremely inexpensive. Just for the insurance help or the OSHA help, how much is it going to save you, but in the training, getting a certified training program or something. So for lack of time, because we've already gone a little past what we should but I do want to kind of finish up, I thought it'd be fun to say, skip a couple questions and go to please share the percentage of your business. And we gave them a number of choices, metal, asphalt, shingles, tiles, specialty single ply, my bedroom liquid applied in other. So the number one percentage of people have responded 77% said they did metal. Now mind you, the last time I looked, the people that responded represent 37 states of our 50 states. So we have respondents from that. So it's all over the United States. It's not just the Midwest. So 77% is pretty darn exciting, don't you think?

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, I think it's amazing, especially when you look and you see that metal and asphalt shingles, neck and neck on the response of what people do. That was not that way a couple of years ago. Asphalt shingles and single ply were by far leading and metal has just really, I mean, really leapfrogged ahead.

Vickie Sharples: And yeah, so 81% is asphalt shingles, and 70.5% is metal. So pretty dang close. Yeah, that's very impressive. And then tiles specialty products is 54% of people do that. But of course the roofing [inaudible 00:35:11] just do both. But it's interesting to see that how many offer that and then single ply that's 75%. The modified is 58 and liquid applied I'm sure I wish I would have ever asked this question years ago, we'll have to go back. Liquid applied is 45%.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, that is great. And it's growing. We see it every day Vickie as you know, on our site. There's so much liquid applied coatings. I mean, it is just has so much traction going forward as a sustainable and really scalable roofing product for contractors.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, I think sometimes about our site, about how much we have going on there. So, that was pretty interesting. And then what is your roofing business specialty. So we give them the choice of that reroute of new service and maintenance, insurance, restoration. So those were the choices we gave them. So 85% of people do regrowth. And of course, every roof has to be reroofed. So it's built in that. Eventually somebody's going to need a new roof, new is still at 51% so that made me think that America's still building, we'll see what happens in the next five years, but that was kind of exciting. And my favorite thing in the whole world is service and maintenance with that 51% that is good money to me. That's a reoccurring business. That's a way you keep your customers, service and maintenance it's just a beautiful thing. You're making their roofs last longer. And you're giving yourself some automatic money, a reoccurring thing because once you put on a roof, you don't see that customer again, hopefully for 25 years minimum. So that's why contractors that don't build a relationship with them, they never come back. But if you can maintain your roof, just like you would change the oil in your engine, you're going to make your roof last longer. And it's just good business. It's good smart business. So the fact that 51% of our respondents are doing that, it just warms my heart. That is smart business to me.

Heidi Ellsworth: I agree. That is so awesome. I love seeing that.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, me too. What type of work you do, we've tried to do other percentages. It's just a nightmare. So basically almost every single roofing contractor within 10% on either end, do a little bit of commercial and a little bit of residential, either one. So I changed the question and I'm sure that nobody's going to like how we did this, but we're so far established now, that this is the way it is, we put primarily residential, primarily commercial or both. We have offered just commercial only but we can't literally 93%, only 7% or 10% would be just commercial or just residential. The numbers... You talk about it, you were kind of excited.

Heidi Ellsworth: This is really exciting to me, what's interesting Vickie, I think you were right on with the way you did these questions, because I was visiting with Reid Ribble, the CEO of National Roofing Contractors Association, and they're doing it kind of the same. They're saying about... And this is what we were talking about last year, about 25% of the industry being mostly residential. So that's going to be your small residential firms, your large regional exterior contractors and also your insurance restoration, who are doing just residential. Then you have your, we both agreed about 25% doing mostly commercial so Tecta, CentiMark, KPost, all those big commercial things. And then about 50% of the industry does both residential and light commercial and these I always love these I say these are the heartbeat of our industry. These are the roofing companies that are in every small town that are in every neighborhood that are taking care of their neighborhoods or roofing houses and they're taking care of the pizza, the pizza shop and their roof and so that's tradition, 25, 25, 50 I've said it a million times. This survey that just came out is I think, I'm just blown away by it. So it has changed. And what we're seeing right now of this survey is mostly residential at 30%. Mostly commercial at 38, 37, 38%. And both at 33%. So pretty even across the board there on where we at RoofersCoffeeShop, we're really getting everybody. That's what this tells me, everybody across the demographics, and the fact that the last time we compared notes with NRCA and we were seeing the same things, it's going to be really interesting to compare notes with them again, and see if they're seeing that same kind of shift where it's, instead of the 25, 25, 50 it's now 33, 33, 33 kind of, I mean people [crosstalk 00:41:00].

Vickie Sharples: Flying with those numbers. Specializing just a bit more?

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah. So I found this. I was like, "Wow." And of course, thrilled that we're getting the whole industry on our site.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah. 37 states. That's pretty good.

Heidi Ellsworth: Really shows, I love this sampling. And I know we're going to keep it open, which is so awesome, because we'll get some more of that. And it's just really giving the industry the opportunity to share what they think and what they're feeling and then let us respond and help to build those resources for them. So I love our trend survey. I think it's one of the coolest things we do.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, I like it too. It makes us feel a little better. So there is one more, it's not important that I want to ask because it had a overwhelming response for no, and this is the last question. Would you be open to accepting text alerts from us or anybody? You know what I mean when something's happening? Because everybody gets texts now? And everybody said no. Well, 80%. 75% yeah, said no. And I would think that would be better than a phone call. But that's all. That was one of the important ones.

Heidi Ellsworth: Yeah, it's the noise again. It's like I'm already checking my text. I'm checking my phone, I'm checking my email. And it's like, I can kind of see why they said no.

Vickie Sharples: Yeah, there's a lot going on. But if I was getting a delivery, of roofing material, I totally want you know what I mean? I want to know where they are. So even yard now things like that. So that's what I was thinking now, is that everybody would really want to just get that quick little thing. Go into the grocery store or as it is in my house, when you send your spouse to the grocery store, they have to take a picture of what they're getting and send it to you so they don't get in trouble when they get home. I just now, all of a sudden, half the listeners out there now hate me.

Heidi Ellsworth: No.

Vickie Sharples: It keeps a happy marriage. Yes, I hope everybody thought that we were as interesting as we think we are.

Heidi Ellsworth: I think it's very interesting. So yeah, I hope everybody else does too. Because this is the kind of stuff that I think only makes everybody better and it's fun to talk through it and all the different thoughts and also it's really fun to see it through the years. I think we've been doing this last four years, and I just loved kind of seeing the changes in the trends. I think it's really important.

Vickie Sharples: Maybe we should have pulled out a little comparison for last time. But maybe we'll do this again next time, and we'll talk about it. But anyway, yes. So the name of this, we're going to title this, Survey Says.

Heidi Ellsworth: Survey Says, and we want to thank everybody for listening. And this is such a fun thing we do on Saturday mornings. I hope you all enjoy it. I know Vickie and I do so heck, we'll keep doing it. But have a great week. And please visit RoofersCoffeeShop and check out the survey, take the survey, you'll see it it's on our survey page but also all those other resources that everyone's telling us they're looking for. It's all right there. So if you need anything, just let us know. And have a great week.

Vickie Sharples: Bye.

Heidi Ellsworth: Bye.

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