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Argentinean University Gets Sleek New Roof and a Solar PV System

S-5! Argentinean University
November 30, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.

By Anna Lockhart.  

Contractors found a clever way to install solar panels on this university building’s roof without sacrificing aesthetics or the roof’s structural integrity.  

The Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) underwent renovations at its Santa Maria post-graduate building, a 19th century dockyard building along the Rio Darsena Sur (river), which included a roof replacement, structural modifications and restoration to the exterior façade. Notably, the renovation project included a new standing seam metal roof, on which the university installed a 170kW solar photovoltaic (PV) array to comply with Argentina’s new renewable energy laws for electricity consumption. 

The building features a Merchant & Evans ZIP-RIB architectural standing seam metal roof. This move is significant, as it makes UCA the first university in Argentina to install solar panels that meet the new national standards. This project required a high-quality and durable attachment solution that would secure the panels to the roof without damaging the new roof or deteriorating over time.  

The solution? The team overseeing the project chose the S-5! PVKIT® solar mounting solution and the S-5-Z™ Mini clamp, which provide a secure yet economical solution for mounting solar PV. These attachment solutions provide an aesthetically pleasing yet durable support system for the nearly 500 solar modules and did not require penetrating or compromising the roof. With the PVKIT direct-attach system securing directly onto the seams of the metal roof, they were able to eliminate the need for a traditional rail system, saving time on installation and money on materials, while providing better load distribution to the roof..  

This project was a success, bringing the desired switch to alternative energy sources that the university wanted, while also maintaining the building’s aesthetics. Since the Santa Maria post-graduate building is in a very popular area for locals and tourists alike,  ensuring the panels were modern and flow profile to the roof was just as important. With the PVKIT rail-less system, the solar PV system was sleek and blended in well with the new roof.  

Learn more about the Catholic University of Argentina project!

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About Anna

Anna Lockhart is a content administrator/writer for the Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. When she’s not working, she’s most likely to be found with her nose in a book or attempting to master a new cookie recipe. 

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