The Coffee Conversations podcast from RoofersCoffeeShop® invites you to pour a cup of coffee and sit with experts for conversations about what is top of mind for roofing contractors and the overall roofing industry right now. Held every other Thursday morning (6 a.m. PT), the team at RCS video chats with the roofing industry and leading professionals in a Q&A format, welcoming you to pull up a chair and learn from a variety of business and industry experts.
This season saw a lot of interest in new recruiting strategies, specifically when it comes to the next generation. Our most-listened-to podcast specifically addresses the importance of creating opportunities for women and minorities in roofing as part of recruitment for the next generation of roofers.
In line with those values, a few episodes centered on topics like healthcare and meeting with congressional representatives for Roofing Day in D.C. to discuss top issues facing the roofing industry, including career and technical education, inclusion of buildings with infrastructure spending legislation and immigration reform.
Download the eBook here!
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