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RoofersCoffeeShop® welcomes the Air Barrier Association of America!

RCS Welcomes ABAA
April 11, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

The national voice of the air barrier industry, they do air barriers right for energy efficiency, better buildings and healthier communities. 

RoofersCoffeeShop®, the award-winning place where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, is pleased to welcome the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) into its community for contractors. 

A national, not-for-profit trade association, their members represent all aspects of the building enclosure industry including manufacturers, architects, engineers, researchers, building owners and more. ABAA is active in research, education, standards development, building codes and technical resources to raise the industry's quality. 

As a member of ABAA, you have access to an array of resources, including: 

  • Air barrier education and training courses: Committed to educating the public about air barrier systems and developing a professional air barrier specialty trade, ABAA offers training programs from design to installation. Offered in a variety of learning formats, find continuing education, installer and auditor courses or become a whole building airtightness technician. 

  • Site Quality Assurance Program: The ABAA Site Quality Assurance Program manages the risks that could occur during the installation of air and water resistive barriers. It has been designed to ensure proper installation, improve the performance of a building, reduce moisture damage and reduce energy costs. 

  • Technical resources: From industry standards to current research projects and air tightness testing, ABAA provides the latest information to keep you updated in the air barrier industry. 

  • Annual building enclosure conference: Each year, the Annual Air Barrier Association of America’s Building Enclosure Conference provides two full days of comprehensive learning tracks for professionals interested in the air barrier industry. Not only does it offer the opportunity to learn from the top minds in building science, but you’ll get to network with like-minded professionals from across the country. Learn more about building enclosures, moisture management, air barriers, sustainability and enclosure commissioning, with opportunities for continuing education credits. 

RoofersCoffeeShop® is proud to welcome the Air Barrier Association of America!

Learn more about Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.airbarrier.org.

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