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From elevators to roofing: The story of Maven Group

Maven From elevators to roofing: The story of Maven Group
December 24, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

By Emma Peterson. 

Learn how an elevator consulting company is taking their skills and helping the roofing industry flourish.  

Everyone in the roofing industry has heard countless stories of how some people have found themselves as a part of the community without planning on it. At The Coffee Shops we often joke that you don’t choose roofing, roofing chooses you. In this episode of Roofing Road Trips®, Karen Edwards spoke to Dominik Sachsenheimer and Carson Bombara of Maven Group about how they found themselves in the roofing industry.  

Dominik grew up in Germany, but has been working in the states for decades now. He started Maven Group around eight years ago in Jupiter, Florida. His background was in corporate finance. He shared, “In the United States I worked at Otis Elevators and during this finance career, I kind of rose through the ranks and worked at Otis's North American headquarters and did all mergers and acquisitions for Otis in North America.”  

By seeing the merger and acquisition process firsthand, Dominik realized a gap in the industry — services providing preparation for these types of transactions. He explained, “The deals used to be very difficult. Independent sellers who start a company, run it 10 years, 20 years, 30 years and all of a sudden it comes time to sell but they’re not quite sure how to go about really selling it. What's required? What needs to be done? Who needs to be hired? What is it worth? What happens to my people?” These are all the questions that Dominik founded Maven Group to answer for those independent sellers.  

Carson, who joined Dominik’s team a few years ago, echoed his observations. He explained, “Before I joined Maven, I was the person buying or at least helping to buy some great contractors out there also on the elevator side. But really just like Dominik said, I saw that a lot of the entrepreneurs just weren't really ready to take the company to market to find the best partner.” 

The first part of Maven’s existence was spent in the elevator industry, as that’s what Dominik already knew well. Today, they have transitioned into working in the roofing industry. On the surface, this movement might seem to be out of pocket, but the seller profile of roofing companies are actually very similar to that of the independent sellers in the elevator industry. He shared, “Usually, it’s a person who starts a business in his hometown, runs it very successfully, maybe has some relatives in the business doing the books or the warehouse and whatnot.” Their team prides themselves in their ability to take the skill learned over the years in the elevator industry to help another group of professionals, as Carson put it, “The reason I really enjoy working for Maven and why I wanted to join the Maven team is because I really value working with some of these amazing individuals to help them really take their company to the next level and find great partners on the private equity side who share their vision.” 

Read the transcript or Listen to the full episode to learn more about how Maven Group helps independent sellers through the merging and acquisition processes.  

Learn more about Maven in their Coffee Shop directory or visit www.mavenequity.com.

About Emma

Emma Peterson is a writer at The Coffee Shops and AskARoofer™. Raised in the dreary and fantastical Pacific Northwest, she graduated in 2024 from Pacific University in Oregon with a degree in creative writing and minors in graphic design and Chinese language. Between overthinking everything a little bit, including this bio, she enjoys watching movies with friends, attending concerts and trying to cook new recipes.

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