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2018: What Were the Top Stories on RoofersCoffeeShop®?

RCS- 2018
January 22, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.

By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor.

Many of us are looking forward into 2019 and making plans for the coming year, but sometimes it’s fun to take a look back at some highlights from 2018.

Each month we feature the top ten posts from the previous month to see what contractors are interested in, so we thought it would be fun to look at 2018 as a whole!

We decided to see what our top 13 stories were in 2018 (13 because RCS partner, Heidi, likes that number). It’s not surprising that the top stories really represent the issues that are top of mind in the roofing industry over the last year.

Technology had several items on the list. With the rapid advancement in technology, it is already changing the way contracting businesses operate and will only continue to do so. Technologies such as aerial mapping and imagery, storm response innovations and new product solutions that improve appearance and performance all had places on the best of 2018 list.

Since our industry is affected so much by severe weather, with contractors seeing surges in demand following storms, it’s no surprise that there was such an interest in Stormseal – a new ‘shrink-wrap’ type technology that seals houses quickly and provides potentially better protection than traditional tarps.

The labor shortage is on everyone’s minds as we struggle to find labor. Offering ideas on how to attract and retain the labor that you do have is going to be of interest to everyone.

The Coffee Shop is a place where the industry meets and gets to know one another. This is evident in that the #3 and #5 most popular articles were profiles of men and women working in the industry and sharing their stories. We love to profile our contractors on RCS. If you know of someone who would be great to write about, email us at info@rooferscoffeeshop.com and let us know!

#13 - Are Single-Ply Wide Width Membrane Rolls Really a Benefit to Contractors?

#12- Cool Roofing Solutions to Reduce the Impacts of Summer Heat

#11 – Malarkey Roofing Products® Offers Limited Lifetime Warranty for Scotchgard™ Protector Algae Resistant Shingle Systems

#10 – CIO Review: Mapping Reality Transforms the Way We Work

#9 - Stormseal accreditation gives Hurricane Michael roofers better make-safe solution

#8 - We Want to Send a Deserving Contractor to Roofing Day in Washington, D.C. on March 6 – 7, 2018

#7 – What are Contractors Doing about the Roofing Labor Force Shortage?

#6 –  New Badge Certifications for Roofing Contractors

#5 – Meet Brandon Davis, December’s Winner of the STINGER CH-38 Cap Hammer

#4 – Innovative Storm Repair ‘Shrink-Wrap’ Technology Launches in USA

#3 – Meet the Women of AAA Roofing

#2 – To Hail with It!

#1 - This Technology has Arguably had the Most Impact on the Roofing Industry

Get the latest news and happenings for 2019 in your inbox every Tuesday morning when you sign up for our week-in-review e-news.


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